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8 Ways to Reduce the Cost of Travel on Your Next Vacation

Taking your family on vacation is an exciting way to spend a break from school with your kids or simply take some time to get away from the hustle and bustle of daily life. However, rising prices for vacations in recent years have made this a challenging endeavor. Fortunately, there are a number of tips any family can use to reduce the cost of travel. 

Are Vacations Getting More Expensive? 

The price of the average vacation for even a single traveler has risen drastically in recent years. There are a number of different factors that go into the cost of a vacation, but the most prominent are transportation costs, accommodation costs, activity costs, and food costs. 

Transportation and accommodation are the two categories where prices have risen the most, with airfare having increased by 47% since the start of the year and average hotel prices reaching nearly $200 per night. To counter these rising prices, there are a number of strategies people can use to cut costs.

How to Reduce Travel Costs: 8 Tactics to Try 

Below are eight of the best ways to reduce the costs of travel so that all families or solo travelers can get a trip booked: 

  1. Travel in the offseason

One of the easiest ways to save money on your travel expenses is to simply travel during the time of the year when there are the least tourists, as prices will be lower. For perspective, visiting a beach town during spring when it’s slightly colder can help you save money. On top of this, as an example, there are plenty of things to do in Myrtle Beach this Spring even though the sun won’t be shining as brightly. 

  1. Find the Places that are the Cheapest to Reach

Airfare is usually one of the biggest costs, especially if you are planning to go abroad. Mostly, the information you need is already available online but you just don’t search hard enough. For instance, this list of Cheapest Cities to Fly to in Europe is a very useful list that will give you a list of places that have the least expensive flights and yet are great options for your vacation.

  1. Use credit card reward points

For those who use credit cards for a large number of purchases, it’s very possible that you have built up credit card reward points over time. These can be used for hotel room purchases, airfare prices, and activity costs. 

  1. Use public transportation rather than rideshares

Once you actually arrive in your destination, focus on reducing transportation costs by avoiding rideshare services. The price for platforms such as Uber and Lyft can add up quickly, which is why using public transportation as an alternative can help you save money. 

  1. Consider alternative forms of accommodations

Oftentimes, many people consider staying in hotel rooms when they go on a trip, but for large families this can be extremely expensive. Alternatively, consider booking a vacation rental that allows you access to an entire house, living room, kitchen, and other spaces. Be aware that you must follow the rules of the owner, however, which includes any noise curfews. 

  1. Cook your own meals instead of eating out

The cost associated with eating out for meals every day is extremely high. To reduce this cost, especially if you’re staying in a vacation rental, consider cooking your own meals. While you still may spend hundreds on the ingredients for your family, cooking your own meals will save you an additional couple hundred of dollars. 

  1. Find discounts with sites like Groupon

Using coupons isn’t the first method people often turn to when trying to save money, but they can be extremely helpful for finding lower prices, particularly when it comes to booking activities. Sites like Honey or Groupon offer coupons and discounts that automatically pop up when you visit a site which can be extremely beneficial. 

  1. Set up a vacation savings account

While not technically a way to save money while on a trip, setting up a vacation savings account in advance can give you funds to use. Generally, you should focus on saving money in your investment and savings account, then depositing extras into a vacation savings account. 

Plan your dream trip today

By using some of the above tips, you can plan a vacation that is both cost effective and fun. Despite rising prices, any family can reduce the costs of their travel to quickly reach their destination. Don’t hesitate to set up a vacation savings account so that you can start building a budget today. 

Jitaditya Narzary

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